
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

River Meadow Campground, North Haverhill, NH - 8/21-8/24/2020

Site# 62
Got all set up(had to use 50amp with converter, 30amp dead) and it started to rain!!! Hope it clears soon or dinner will have to be made inside!!
After dinner, a walk to the far end of the campground...
Can you hurry up so we can go start sniffing things!?!?
Bacon smell is the best!
A long walk....
Across the river is VT
Below is from the first house ever built in Haverhill, the root cellar
Camping Cabin #1
Our go-to, Egg Roll in a Bowl
Zack thinks it's his pond!
Dinner is Marinated Steak Tips with Riced Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cheese Sauce
Ice Cream Truck!  $1 an item!
Breakfast is Taco Pie with Bacon and Pico De Gallo
Our neighbors FORCED us to take their cart for a spin, so we went back to the park with Zack.  He did good,  wasn't afraid. 
Lunch is a little of everything!

A gloomy start after some midnight thunderstorms.  Should be clearing as we head home.

Good mileage this trip!