
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Dry River Campground - Crawford Notch, NH

A rainy Saturday morning at home turned into a sunny, comfortable day up north, about 72 degrees.  No cell phone service at all.  Took a few walks, found the Dry River, built a fire, made some dinner, ate some dinner, all before it rained all night long.  Cleared up for the ride home and got 16.7 mpg! Pretty good for going through the mountains!  

First pic is the cotton ball mouse nest we removed from between the batteries.  Stuffed some steel wool in the area the wires come through the wall.

A nice fairly level spot!

The Dry River wasn't too far from the back of our campsite.

Rib Eyes, Potato Wedges and Corn.  Gorganzola, butter sage mixture on the steak and corn was very tasty.  Leftovers, too!

Pancakes and bacon for breakfast.

View looking across the entrance to the campground on our way out at 830am.

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